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Ronawk's Bio-Blocks recapitulate physiology.

Our team is here to understand your needs, the cell lines you use, and to create customized plans for using advanced mimetic culture technologies in your existing systems.

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X-Block 300C The X-Block 300C is best for cell types that can grow tissuemimetic structures fast and/or shorter experimental timelines. This is an ideal Bio-Block for initial testing.
X-Block 300V The X-Block 300V is best for cell types that can grow tissuemimetic structures and experiments requiring larger numbers of cells and/or tissue aggregates.
X-Block 500C The X-Block 500C is best for cell types that can grow large tissue-mimetic structures fast and/or shorter experimental timelines.
X-Block 500V The X-Block 500V is best for cell types that can grow large tissue-mimetic structures and experiments that need larger numbers of cells and/or tissue aggregates.
Xtract Block Dissociation Reagent X-Tract Block Dissociation Reagent an enzymatic reagent designed to work with X-Blocks. Ronawk’s extraction reagent releases the cells and tissue aggregates from the X-Blocks. A single vial of reagent is needed per X-Block for dissociation.
Bio-Block Lifting Forceps Ronawk Lifting Forceps are a great alternative to the spatulas. They provide the same function as a tool to work with any of the Bio-Blocks. They provide easy ability for lifting Bio-Blocks and A Kansas Research Company transferring between wells, vessels, and/or other analysis processes. These can be autoclaved up to 5 times. 1 forcep per package.)
Bio-Block Lifting Spatula Ronawk Lifting Spatulas are ideal tools for handling Bio-Blocks. The spatulas can easily lift Bio-Blocks when transferring them between wells, vessels, and/or other analysis processes. Spatulas can be autoclaved up to 5 times. 1 spatula per package.